Picture Taker vs. Image Maker

March 15, 2013  •  Leave a Comment
The modern market demands photographers to possess a wide range of skills. Today’s image professional must be more than a picture taker; he or she must be an image maker.
With the latest advancements in digital photography, taking a dissen...t snapshot is an easy task for the average person. I true professional must do more than just a snapshot, the professional must create the perfect shot, represent the true image of the customer, grab the audience attention and offer innovation.
While having the latest and greatest equipment my help, it is not a guarantee for truly exceptional shots. A good understanding of the basic elements of photography, light behavior, composition and a true sense of balance is far more important than the equipment. Alone this, a creative spirit and the right attitude will get the image maker where he or she needs to be as a professional. Understanding that photography is an artistic representation of the relationship and balance of light and shadows together with the willingness to do whatever it takes to get that perfect shot is what differentiate an image artist from a snap shooter. However, this is not all it takes to become a successful image professional in today’s market. A clear understanding of the market, solid communications skills, full domain of the use of supporting equipment and software, and iniciative are also imperative for success in today’s market.
Hector Rivera, MBA
Executive Photographer
Just About Colors, Light, and Shadows


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